
 The mission of the Benjamin H. Ryan Foundation is two fold. First, our aim is to eliminate the devastating disease of pediatric brain cancer by supporting research and trials aimed at its eradication. Secondly, the foundation seeks to close the gap that often prevents pediatric brain cancer patients from getting the life-saving care they need. For many families the difference between participating in a potentially life saving trial or not is simply the prohibitive costs of transportation and lodging. It is our aim to partner with health organizations to identify and support families who need a little help to get where they can in order to receive the best care possible for their precious child. We intend to identify families in need in the greater Omaha area with the aspiration to one day grow large enough to help families from across the nation.


Benjamin Hugh Ryan was born on February 9, 2007, along with his twin brother, Noah. A month and a half early, Benjamin began life as a fighter in the NICU. “Little but fierce,” as his big brother, Mason, called him, Benjamin reveled in adventure in the Virginia countryside where he was raised. He was always happiest floating down a river, hiking a mountain trail, or exploring the woods with his brothers.


Shortly before his tenth birthday, Benjamin and his family moved to Omaha, Nebraska. In his new home, Benjamin’s charming personality, mischievous smile, and joyful attitude toward life won him many loyal friends among peers and adults alike. Midway through his fifth-grade year, Benjamin began to complain of headaches. A visit to the pediatrician resulted in an emergency life-saving surgery to remove a tumor near the base of his brain. The diagnosis was medulloblastoma, a cancerous tumor of the cerebellum. The next five years brought chemotherapy, radiation, more surgery, therapies, and rehabilitation, travel for treatment and trials, remissions, and relapses. Despite his difficult path, Benjamin never complained and was always fearless and cheerful in the face of tremendous odds against him. With a deep and abiding faith in God, a Stoic approach to his struggle, and amazing support from friends and family, Benjamin endured unimaginable challenges for a boy his age with incredible grace. His attitude inspired all who met him, and his undaunted sense of humor and infectious smile only won him more admirers and friends during his illness.


One of Benjamin’s most endearing traits was his concern for others. Quick to arrive with candy, flowers, or a shoulder to lean on, Benjamin was always showing up at a friend’s house just when they needed it most. He loved helping other children in the myriad hospitals and rehabilitation centers that he was constantly in, and he would often bring gifts to his therapists and medical staff. He even volunteered to be the first patient in a groundbreaking trial that will benefit pediatric cancer patients well into the future. It is from that love and concern for others that the Benjamin H. Ryan Foundation was born. It is in his name and spirit that we hope to help other children and their families who are enduring the same heartbreaking struggle that Benjamin did. Whether it’s helping to fund trials or easing the burden of transportation and lodging costs during treatment, we hope to honor Benjamin’s life by emulating his God-given traits of generosity, empathy, faith, and love.




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